Since ancient years, massage was a significant treatment in many cultures, helping to achieve the body’s balance and better function.
It is a means of revitalization and wellness. It reduces physical pain, anxiety and stress. It relaxes the body’s muscles for our daily life which is full of tension. Tension in the muscles and decreased flow of blood often lead to physical pain. Massage will increase blood circulation and will release the tension from the muscles.
Massage will return glow to the skin, because it will increase the availability of nutrients to the cells, by increased blood circulation. Additionally, dead cells will be removed.
Massage reduces the risk of wounding, gives flexibility to tight muscle tissues and helps in the better mobility of the body.
It increases body energy “pulling it out of its lethargy” and gives it the strength and vitality to cope with the hectic pace of everyday life. Massage, will give the necessary tranquility to the body and mind which a person needs, by improving relaxation and gives a better quality of sleep.
So one has a choice between relaxing muscle massage, a deep sports or lymph massage, or a massage for the treatment of cellulite.
In recent years massage has come to be recognized and appreciated as an alternative therapy. The idea that a massage is a kind of luxury that appeals to a few people, is completely wrong since a massage is considered as one of the simplest and easiest forms of medical treatment.